Dear All,
In this post I am going to share the Oracle 19C data guard Introduction and Architecture PPT steps .
Dear All,
In this post I am going to share the Oracle 19C data guard Introduction and Architecture PPT steps .
In this post i am going to share few of the oracle Linux commands .. i have posted total 4 post for Complete Linux high level commands .
this is part 1 .. in my next post will share part 2 commands .
System level information Linux Commands ::::
date >> to display the current
system date and time
host name>> to display the system
uname >>to display the os name
uname –a >> to display os
name,kernel version,hostname,os bit
Uname –r >> to display the kernel
uptime >> to display system
uptime ,load avg ,how many users working
Su – username >> it switches one
user to another user
Vim /etc/passwd>> user
information location path
su – username >> switch one user
to another user
Arch >> to display the os bit
Cat /proc/version >> to display
the kernel version
cat /etc/redhat-release >> to
know the linux version
Service iptables start / status /
Service servicename start / status /
==================== =================
ifconfig>> to display the system Ip and mac address
Ifconfig eth0 >> to display only ip address
netstat –anlp |grep ":80" >> to see the which service is running 80 port number
ping hostname >> to display to see the connection remote system available or not
netstat –anlp |grep httpd >> to see the apache running or not
dig hostname >> to display the response time on remote server
nslookup hostname >> to display the hostname is dns registered or not
telnet hostname portno >> to see the remote server and port is available or not
nc -vz hostname portno >> to see the remote server and port is available or not here >> nc means net cat
Nmap hostname>> it is used for port number scanner
Vim filename >> to display the
file content and add the file content
Esc mode:
:wq ---save and quit
:q!—forcebully quit
Yy – copy the line,P --- paste the line
Shift +gg ----- go to firstline
Shift+g -------go to last line
U –undo last delete or modified line
:set nu---to be set number on file
Dd --- to delete the line
/searchkeyword >>- to be search
keyword in particular file existed or not
n – to search next word by top to down
N – to search next word by down to top
:%/oldkeyword/newkeyword/gc it is
replace old name to newname
I ---insert the data
cat >filename.txt >> to be create file and to give the data and save the data in a file
cat filename>> to be see the content of the file
cat >> filename.txt >> to be append the data already existing file
touch>> to be create the empty file
touch filename>> to be create the empty or change the timestamp for file
View filename>> to display the content of the file
more filename>> it displays the
content of file
Head filename >> to display the first 10 lines in a file
Head -100f filename >> to display the first 100 lines in a file
Head –n 5 filename >> to display the first 5 lines in a file
tail filename >> to display the last 10 lines in a file
tail -50f filename >> to display the last 50 lines in a file
tail –f filename >> to see the running content process file
Rm file>> it remove the file with conformation
Rm –rf filename :– it remove the file without confirmation
Dear All,
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What is Oracle RAC?
Advantages and use cases of Oracle RAC.
Architecture of Oracle RAC.
Key components of Oracle RAC (Clusterware, Database Instances, ASM, VIPs, SCAN).
High Availability and Scalability in RAC.
Hardware and software prerequisites.
Preparing the cluster nodes.
Installing Grid Infrastructure.
Installing Oracle Database Software.
Post-installation steps and verification.
Oracle RAC-specific installation options.
Troubleshooting installation issues.
Creating a RAC database using DBCA.
Manual RAC database creation.
Understanding services and managing services in RAC.
Managing database instances.
Using Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) for RAC database management.
Understanding Oracle ASM (Automatic Storage Management).
Creating ASM Disk Groups.
ASM Disk Management and Monitoring.
Using ASM with RAC.
Mirroring and striping in ASM.
Migrating non-ASM to ASM storage.
Clusterware components and architecture.
Administering Oracle Clusterware.
Node addition and removal.
Troubleshooting Clusterware issues.
Voting disks and OCR management.
Oracle Services and SCAN (Single Client Access Name).
Implementing load balancing and failover.
Using TAF (Transparent Application Failover).
Configuring connection pools for RAC.
RAC-specific backup strategies.
RMAN (Recovery Manager) in RAC.
Flashback technology in RAC.
Monitoring and tuning RAC for performance.
Managing user privileges and roles in RAC.
Auditing and compliance in RAC.
Securing the RAC environment.
Implementing Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) in RAC.
Applying patches and updates in RAC.
Upgrading RAC databases to Oracle 19c.
Rolling patching techniques.
Best practices for patching and upgrades.
Identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks.
Diagnostic tools and utilities.
RAC-specific performance tuning.
Common issues and resolutions in RAC.
Best practices for troubleshooting.
RAC in the Cloud (Oracle Cloud, AWS, Azure).
RAC and Multitenant databases.
Case studies and real-world deployment scenarios.
High Availability considerations.
Disaster recovery strategies.
Best practices for managing Oracle RAC in production environments.
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