Friday 7 April 2023

EBS R12.2.12 Single Node installation on OCI.

How to Create Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) to provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.12 with Oracle Database 19c demonstration instance on a single virtual machine (VM) on OCI. 

Operating system : Oracle Linux 7.9 64-bit

RDBMS Oracle Home : Oracle Database 19c (19.17 RU)

Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.12

Oracle Forms and Reports

Oracle WebLogic Server

Web Tier

JDK  1.7.0_331

Using Java Web Start with Oracle E-Business Suite (Doc ID 2188898.1)

Pre-requisites :

  • An SSH Key Pair which will be used for accessing your instance. See Generating an SSH Key Pair for Oracle Compute Cloud Service Instances.
  • An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) tenancy, with the following associated resources:
    • A compartment
    • A user who is either a tenancy administrator, or who has privileges to manage all resources in the compartment
    • A Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) and an associated subnet which will be associated with the Oracle E-Business Suite instance

Create Instance Using an Image from the OCI Console Marketplace

Follow these steps to create and connect to your Oracle E-Business Suite instance when using an image from the OCI Console Marketplace.

Login to OCI Console .

select the main menu and click on Marketplace and select all applicatons .

Search for Oracle E-Business Suite and select the Demo Install Image .

By default it will select the root compartment , if you want to place diffent compartment you can select and click on launch .. 

Provide the instnace name , shape, network select vpn and subnet  and compartment and other 

if you have alredy private and public keys , you past the public key in the instance , private key you can use to connect for Putty . dont share private key with anyone .

Select the boot volume min 500G , 

Click on Create ..

Wait for few minutes thats it you install will be launched ..

you can see the instance under compute and instances .

  1. Establish SSH Connectivity.

    Review the security lists associated with the subnet to ensure that an ingress rule exists with the following attributes:

    • SOURCE CIDR: Enter the CIDR block of your choice. Note that corresponds to the public internet. We recommend restricting this to the CIDR block that corresponds to the IP range you want to give access to.

    When the instance is fully provisioned and running, connect to it using SSH as described in Connecting to an Instance.

  2. After the instance has been created (provisioned), it will appear in the instance list. To view full details about it, including IP addresses, click the instance name in the list.

Perform Post-Install Steps

Connect to putty using public IP with user opc .

click on SSH then click on Auth and add the private key  to access the EBS instance from on premise.


Click on Open ..

$ sudo su -
# yum update
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y


this will take few minutes ater that follow the below stpes to enable port.

Enable Instance-Level Firewall Access to Port 8000

While still logged on as the root user, use the following commands to enable port 8000:
# firewall-cmd --add-port=8000/tcp --permanent
# systemctl restart firewalld

To confirm the change, use the following command:

# firewall-cmd --list-all

Update Hostname

Your hostname must be updated to reflect the current VCN network configuration. While still logged on as the root user, perform a required hostname update using the following command:

# /u01/install/scripts/

Enable and Change SYSADMIN Password

Switch to Oracle user .

sudo -i -u oracle

start the databsae services .

$ /u01/install/APPS/scripts/

start the application services .


EBS and ECC started successfully ..

$ . /u01/install/APPS/EBSapps.env run

 mkdir -p ~/logs

$ cd ~/logs
$ sh /u01/install/APPS/scripts/

then set the demo user password .


Configure Web Entry Point , this step is option if you want to change your applicaiton login url follow the below steps .


database verison :

Click on ignore option then re-login you will see the applicaiton login.

will kep post for further steps in my next post ..


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