How to compile form:
frmcmp_batch module=$AU_TOP/forms/US/MSDDEMRH.fmb userid=apps/$APPSPW output_file=$MSD_TOP/forms/US/MSDDEMRH.fmx module_type=form batch=no compile_all=yes
Maintain Snapshot Information:
This will sync up your application tier with database.
Run the following command to locate the properties file that you want to customize to preserve your settings:
sh $AD_TOP/bin/ contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE target=$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/
sh $AD_TOP/bin/ contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE target=$INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/config/
Navigate to the location of the template directory and create a custom subdirectory to store to store your customization:
cd $FND_TOP/admin/template
mkdir custom
Copy the template file to the custom directory. and edit to add custom entries and run autoconfig”
What is staging area ?
Staging Area is special directory structure where you can dump 11i installation software so that you don’t have to insert CD’s during install and these disks will automatically be picked by Installer.
Q. How you set up staging area ?
Use to create staging area orcreate required directory manually for staging like (following directories under Stage11i – startCD, oraApps, oraDB, oraiAS, oraAppsDB, oraNLS and inside these directories Disk1, Disk2…).
Check Jserv with the following url http://:port/servlets/Hello
Increase number of JVM to 2:
1. Comment out this line in the jserv.conf file:
ApJServGroup OACoreGroup 1 1 /d01/oracle/prodora/iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/
2. Uncomment this line in the jserv.conf file:
#ApJServGroup OACoreGroup 2 1 /d01/oracle/prodora/iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/
Bounce apache
To change paswords for all modules:
select ‘FNDCPASS apps/xxx 0 Y system/xxx ORACLE ‘||oracle_username||’ xxxxx’ from fnd_oracle_userid where oracle_username in (select username from dba_users) and oracle_username not in (‘APPS’,’APPLSYS’,’APPLSYSPUB’);
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLSYS WELCOME
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ORACLE GL GL1
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager USER VISION WELCOME
edit pwd is and cat $806ORACLE_HOME/reports60/server/CGIcmd.dat
alter user system identified by xxx;
alter user sys identified by xxx;
FNDCPASS apps/xxx 0 Y system/xxxxxx ALLORACLE xxxxx
WFLOAD syntax
FNDLOAD &ui_apps 0 Y UPLOAD @FND:patch/115/import/affaudit.lct @GMA:patch/115/import/US/gmaausch.ldt
download from one instance and upload to another instance
FNDLOAD apps/password 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct
FNDLOAD APPS/password 0 Y UPLOAD @FND:patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct
backup menus, Responsibility, user using below FNDLOAD commands( ****IMPORTANT STEP****)
FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct PATCH_SUB_MENU.ldt MENU MENU_NAME=””WH_ENQ””
FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct PATCH_MENU.ldt MENU MENU_NAME=””WH_ENQ_MAIN””
FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afscursp.lct PATCH_USER.ldt FND_USER USER_NAME=””MOBILE_USER””
Upload Menus, Responsibility and User using below FNDLOAD commands
cd $backup_dir ** directory in which files were backed up thru step#4
FNDLOAD apps/appspwd 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct PATCH_SUB_MENU.ldt
FNDLOAD apps/appspwd 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct PATCH_MENU.ldt
FNDLOAD apps/appspwd 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afscursp.lct PATCH_RESP.ldt
FNDLOAD apps/appspwd 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afscursp.lct /tmp/PATCH_USER.ldt
sqlplus apps/apps @******.pkh — this will create the package header or specification
sqlplus apps/apps @******.pkb — this will create the package body
adodfcmp userid=cn/cn mode=TABLES odffile=cntrx02.odf touser=apps/apps priv_schema=apps/apps logfile=cn.log changedb=YES
adodfcmp userid=/ odffile=afsec.odf touser=apps_appfnd/xxx logfile=/tmp/a2.lst changedb=Yes priv_schema=apps_appfnd/xxx mode=tables
Execute the following command to determine the version of OA.jsp:
ident $FND_TOP/html/OA.jsp and
ident $OA_HTML/OA.jsp
(ie: Header: OA.jsp 115.26 2002/01/18 14:49:41 pkm ship)
Attention: The version of OA.jsp in $FND_TOP/html should be the same as the one in $OA_HTML if the version of OA.jsp does not match do the following :
Run adadmin.
Choose the option called Maintain Application Files.
Choose the option called Copy files to destination.
Note: If the ident command returns a no such file error or does not return any version information for OA.jsp then you have not installed the Oracle Applications Self Service Framework. Please use this metalink document to install the Self Service Framework.
Note: ident is not available on SUN & AIX. In this instance please use:
adident Header $FND_TOP/html/OA.jsp and
adident Header $OA_HTML/OA.jsp
How to compile JSP in Oracle Apps ?
You can use perl script shipped with Oracle apps to compile JSP files. This script is under $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts. Sample compilation method is
perl –compile –quiet
compiling few jsp’s
Clear the following files from $OA_HTML/../_pages/_oa__html
rm _qot*.*
rm _xx*.* –compile -s ‘%qot%.jsp’ -log $HOME/err.log –flush –compile -s ‘%xxdhr%.jsp’ -log $HOME/err.log –flush
Confirm _qot*.* and _xx*.* files exist (after running the above Perl script)
in $OA_HTML/../_pages/_oa__html directory
Compile JSPs (~ 45 mts)
cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin
perl –compile –flush -p 2
JSP compilation
$ cd $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts
$ ./ –compile
perl -x $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts/ –compile –quiet
perl -x $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts/ –compile –quiet -log /tmp/ojspc_error.log 341205.1
cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin
$ ls -rlt ojsp*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 appldev2 dba 85192 Apr 24 06:23
$ perl -x –compile –quiet
logfile set: $INST_TOP/logs/appl/rgf/ojsp/ojspc_error.log
For r12
How to convert pll to pld file or pld file to pll ?
Pll->Pld f60gen module=MSCOSCW3.pll module_type=library userid=apps/ module_access=file output_file=MSCOSCW1.pld script=yes
Pld -> pll f60gen module=MSCOSCW3.pld userid=apps/ module_type=library module_access=file output_file=MSCOSCW1.pll parse=y batch=yes compile_all=special
How to convert pll to pld file or pld file to pll ?
Ans: Pll->Pld f60gen module=MSCOSCW3.pll module_type=library userid=apps/ module_access=file output_file=MSCOSCW1.pld script=yes
Pld -> pll f60gen module=MSCOSCW3.pld userid=apps/ module_type=library module_access=file output_file=MSCOSCW1.pll parse=y batch=yes compile_all=special
FORM file compilation
The following environment setting should be part of the Forms compilation to include the standard oracle library files.
export PATH=$PATH:$AU_TOP/forms/US:$AU_TOP/resource:$AU_TOP/resource/US
export FORMS60_PATH=$FORMS60_PATH:$AU_TOP/forms/US:$AU_TOP/resource:$AU_TOP/resource/US
f60gen module=$AU_TOP/forms/US/INVTOMAI.fmb userid=apps/xxx output_file=$INV_TOP/forms/US/INVTOMAI.fmx module_type=form batch=yes compile_all=special
Temporarily resetting FORMS_PATH to compile language forms
FORM file compilation
f60gen module=$AU_TOP/forms/F/ASXTRLKP.fmb userid=apps/apps output_file=$AS_TOP/forms/F/ASXTRLKP.fmx module_type=form batch=yes compile_all=special
To complie .fmb , .pll in R12
$ module=$AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.pll userid=apps/xxxx output_file=$AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.plx module_type=library compile_all=special module=$AU_TOP/forms/US/CLX_CTG_FORM.fmb userid=apps/xxxx output_file=$AU_TOP/forms/US/CLX_CTG_FORM.fmx module_type=form compile_all=special
To compile pll file
f60gen module=$AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.pll userid=apps/apps output_file=$AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.plx module_type=library batch=yes compile_all=special
Playing with CUSTOM.pll
To convert from CUSTOM.pll to CUSTOM.pld
f60gen module_type=LIBRARY module=CUSTOM script=YES userid=apps/apps
To convert back from CUSTOM.pld to CUSTOM.pll ( after having edited the text pld file )
f60gen module_type=LIBRARY module=CUSTOM parse=YES userid=apps/apps
To convert from CUSTOM.pll to CUSTOM.plx
f60gen module_type=LIBRARY module=CUSTOM userid=apps/apps
REPORT file comilation
rwcon60 userid=APPS/xxx source=$BIL_TOP/reports/US/BILPHP01.rdf dest=$APPL_TOP/admin/CNV1/out/tmp001.rdf stype=rdffile dtype=rdffile logfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/CNV1/out/adrep001.txt overwrite=yes batch=yes compile_all=yes
rwcon60 userid=APPS/xxx source=BILPHP01.rdf dest=BILPHP01.rex stype=rdffile dtype=rexfile logfile=BILPHP01.txt overwrite=yes batch=yes
rwcon60 userid=apps/apps source=JEFRDVER.rdf stype=rdffile dtype=rexfile dest=JEFRDVER.rex overwrite=yes batch=yes
Compiling all application flexfields.
$FND_TOP/bin/fdfcmp APPS/***** 0 Y
TO start dataInstaller
jre oracle.apps.per.DataInstall apps pwd thin
jre oracle.apps.per.DataInstall apps thin ::
To check to make sure the correct data was installed run the following script this script can also be used to check if datainstaller was run successfully:
select application_short_name, Legislation_code, status, action, last_update_date
from hr_legislation_installations
where application_short_name in (‘PER’,’PAY’);
To check the version of the iAS
cd <ias_oracle_home>/Apache/Apache
httpd -version
To check the version of the forms
To relink manually force=Y ranlib=Y “AD”
./ force=y ranlib=y “WPS WPCFSQ”
To complile forms and reports library
cd $ORACLE_HOME/forms/lib32
Note: if this directory does not exist: cd $ORACLE_HOME/forms/lib
$ make -f install
cd $ORACLE_HOME/reports/lib32
Note: if this directory does not exist: cd $ORACLE_HOME/reports/lib
$ make -f install
Relink Procedure Builder, Forms, Graphics and Reports:
cd $ORACLE_HOME/procbuilder60/lib; make -f install
cd $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/lib; make -f install
cd $ORACLE_HOME/graphics60/lib; make -f install
Reports has both link-time and run-time dependency with so you need to append $ORACLE_HOME/network/jre11/lib/linux/native_threads in
$LD_LIBRARY_PATH before linking Reports. The same $LD_LIBRARY_PATH should be used at run-time.
cd $ORACLE_HOME/reports60/lib; make -f install
Relink iAS and Oracle Home using
To fin perl version
$ perl -version
To find java version
$ java -version
To find JDK version:
From appl_top, xml file
< jdk_top oa_var=”s_jdktop”>/amtoac/applmgr/common/util/java/1.4/j2sdk1.4.2_04
Discoverer launcher and viewer urls
To find Version
$ string –a dis4pr | grep –i ‘discoverer version’
The location for looking for dis4pr is $ORACLE_HOME/diswb4/bin
To start discoverer
Script to start discoverer server is under $OAD_TOP/admin/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME
— This script in turn start discoverer processes which can be start by under $ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/util (This script is different from
— calls scripts like, ,, to start gatekeeper, locator, oad & osagent resp.
In Apps two major way to access EUL is via Discoverer view & Discoverer Plus edition (You can use Discoverer Administration Edition as well)
to generate xml file on apps and db tier
ad_top/bin tier=apps appsuser= appspasswd=
Source the environment before runnibg
Go to /appsutil/bin
perl tier=db appsuser= appspasswd=
Make command
make -f $APPL_TOP/admin/train/out/ $INV_TOP/bin/INCOIN
restart apache without killing current web sessions> $SCRIPTS/ graceful version 115.48
Apache Web Server Listener :httpd ( pid 16249 ) is running.
Gracefully restarting the Apache Web Server Dedicated HTTP Listener..
Apache Web Server Listener (PLSQL) :httpd ( pid 16379 ) is running.
Gracefully restarting the Apache Web Server Dedicated PLSQL Listener.. exiting with status 0
enabling Autoconfig on DB tier
As applmgr Copy AutoConfig templates to the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME
Create file by: perl $AD_TOP/bin/
sandbox806> perl $AD_TOP/bin/
Starting the generation of
Log file located at /ORACLE/apps/sandbox/admin/log/MakeAppsUtil_09061407.log
output located at /ORACLE/apps/sandbox/admin/out/
MakeAppsUtil completed successfully.
Copy file to the $RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME
sandbox> id
uid=300(oracle) gid=200(dba) groups=1(staff),202(oaa),203(move),13(oinstall)
sandbox> cp /ORACLE/apps/sandbox/admin/out/ $ORACLE_HOME
sandbox> ls -l $ORACLE_HOME/
-rw-r–r– 1 oracle dba 2814669 Sep 06 14:13 /ORACLE/sandbox/9.2.0/
unzip -o # say A if being prompted for file over-writing
# Generate the database context file:
sandbox> pwd
sandbox> id
uid=300(oracle) gid=200(dba) groups=1(staff),202(oaa),203(move),13(oinstall)
sandbox> perl tier=db appsuser=apps
Starting context file generation for db tier..
Using JVM from /ORACLE/sandbox/9.2.0/jdk/bin/java to execute java programs..
APPS Password: apps
The log file for this adbldxml session is located at:
Enter the value for Display Variable: hostname:1
Context File /ORACLE/sandbox/9.2.0/appsutil/sandbox_hostname.xml
already exists.
Overwriting Context File may cause loss of existing settings, hence
backing it up as: /ORACLE/sandbox/9.2.0/appsutil/sandbox_hostname.xml.bak
The context file has been created at:
# Take a backup of all the crucial configuration files and Generate and apply AutoConfig configuration file:
a) Backup $TNS_ADMIN/*.ora and $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/*.ora
b) run Autoconfig on source tier to generate the context specific files:
cd /appsutil/bin contextfile= appspass=
c) Restore the $TNS_ADMIN/*.ora and $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/*.ora Immediately
d) Do a reload of the listener.ora to make sure other instances using /var/opt/oracle/listener.ora do not get affected:
$ lsnrctl reload qa
$ lsnrctl reload sandbox
The command used to check for the Forms patchset level
( you should be 17 or above)
`f60gen | grep ‘(Form Compiler)’ | grep -v Release | awk -F. ‘{print $5}’ `
How to find JDBC thin driver that your iAS is using ?
A simple java program & procedure to compile it that will give your jdbc thin driver version.
Create a file with name in your middle tier (Application Tier)
import java.sql.*;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
class JDBCVersion
public static void main (String args[])
throws SQLException
// Load the Oracle JDBC driver
DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
// Get a connection to a database
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection
// Create Oracle DatabaseMetaData object
DatabaseMetaData meta = conn.getMetaData();
// gets driver info:
System.out.println(“JDBC driver version is ” + meta.getDriverVersion());
Replace following parameters
1. with your database hostname or IP address
2. with your database port no.
3. with SID for your database
4. with your apps password
After changing save it with name in your middle tier & execute command
This will create class file in your workign directory. Include your current directory into your classpath like
then execute
java JDBCVersion
you should see output like
JDBC driver version is
Which means you are using jdbc thin driver version
How to check if Apps 11i System is Autoconfig enabled ?
Under $AD_TOP/bin check for file & if this exists use contextfile= show=enabled
If this file is not there , look for any configuration file under APPL_TOP if system is Autoconfig enabled then you will see entry like
# AutoConfig automatically generates this file. It will be read and …….
Context Editor
Application <common_top>/util/editcontext/
Database /appsutil/editcontext/
“To run the Context Editor:
If the [COMMON_TOP]/util/editcontext (for Unix) or [COMMON_TOP]\util\editcontext (for Windows) directory does not
exist, please refer to MetaLink Note 165195.1 titled “”Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations with Oracle
Applications 11i””.
Copy the Context Editor meta data file adctxinf.tmp to the common top directory under util/editcontext/etc and rename
it as adctxinf.xml:
on UNIX:
cp $AD_TOP/admin/template/adctxinf.tmp [COMMON_TOP]/util/editcontext/etc/adctxinf.xml
Editing Context file(xml file) in Oracle apps R12 using Context editor.
It is a mandatory thing that you should not edit the context file or xml file manually .
Context editor should be used for this(This can be used for updating ports or to change any configuration)
of application Tier or database tier.
follow these steps to install context editor in your existing oracle apps R12 system.
Apply patch 2873456 from metalink
after applying you will not be able to invoke the editcontext executable and you will get a error. this is because jre 1.1.8 which is
supplied along with this patch is no longer supported.
So download jre1.5.0_10 from and unpack it inside the path editcontext/jre/Linux/
and rename the old 1.1.8 jre inside that
then go to the bin directory inside the editcontext directory
open the file
and accordingly replace the jre directory and also replace the jre executable with java in the same file ..
and invoke it from
$RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil for editing database context(xml) file.
$COMMON_TOP/util for editing Application context(xml) file.
Syntax is
Before editing shutdown the application tier and after editing run to update the configuration files to reflect the new value.
The URL for ext web node is
JTF Login Page for customers using CRM (Check for each MT using real host names).
start Apache in SSL mode as root (on web025) using following cmd:
. //APPSORA.env
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/httpdsctl startssl.
URL to access OAM
access http://.:/servlets/weboam/oam/oamlogin
How will you identify if you are using Forms in Socket or Servlet mode in Oracle Applications 11i or R12 ?
You can find out the form are in Socket or Servlet mode in form configuration file it is in $COMMON_TOP/html/bin and the file name is “appsweb_SID_hostname.cfg”.
s_forms_servlet_serverurl If value is blank that means this is not servlet else if value is “/forms/formservlet” this indicates forms servlet.
In the context file, unde OA variable, ‘frmConnectMode’
repackage the jinit using the following command : $COMMON_TOP/util/jinitiator $COMMON_TOP/util/jinitiator/j2se15012.exe
CPU patch log location on iAS HOME/d01/oratst/preprodora/iAS/cpu/CPUJul2005/install-Jun-09-2008-07-11-34.log
Apache config test
$ pwd
$ ./apachectl configtest
Syntax error on line 239 of /d01/oratst/preprodora/iAS/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /d01/oratst/preprodora/iAS/Apache/Apache/libexec/ into server: httpd: fatal: relocation error: file /d01/oratst/preprodora/iAS/Apache/Apache/libexec/ symbol ap_escape_logitem: referenced symbol not found
To check X-display is working
Access page at http://hostname.domainnmae:8000/OA_HTML/testXServer.jsp. If the display setting is inappropriate you will see an exception page
Edit the AutoConfig context file.
If you are currently using E-Business Suite level 11.5.9 or above, or have applied FND.G patchset (or above), you will use Oracle Applications Manager to edit your context file. For all previous versions, you will use the AutoConfig Context Editor tool.
To edit the context file using Oracle Applications Manager, login to Oracle Applications Manager and navigate to Site Map > AutoConfig > Edit Parameters.
To edit the context file using the AutoConfig Context Editor tool, enter the following commands:
% cd [COMMON_TOP]/util/editcontext/
% ./editcontext”
To convert host specific url to user friendly url
Make host entries for ebus and make the following xml file changes and run autoconfig.
$ grep evis VIS_hostname.xml
< disco_machine oa_var=”s_disco_machine”>evis.corpdom.local
< apps_portal_url oa_var=”s_apps_portal_url”>http://evis.corpdom.local:8000/pls/VIS_portal30/portal30.home
< login_page oa_var=”s_login_page”>http://evis.corpdom.local:8000/OA_HTML/US/ICXINDEX_VIS_hostname.htm
< forms60_mapping oa_var=”s_f60map”>http://evis.corpdom.local:8000/OA_TEMP
MWA boucne procedure on 11 i
cd $MWA_TOP/bin start 10200 start 10210 start 10220 start 10230 start 10240
nohup start_dispatcher & Port for Dispatcher is 10300
Procedure to Shutdown Dispatcher -login sysadmin/xxx stop_force 10200 -login sysadmin/xxx stop_force 10210 -login sysadmin/xxx stop_force 10220 -login sysadmin/xxx stop_force 10230 -login sysadmin/xxx stop_force 10240
nohup stop_dispatcher &
1. Autoconfig. In autoconfig-enbled environment configuration file mwa.cfg is written by autoconfig. So it would be good to modify any configuration setting that you want to be permanent via AutoConfig editor in OAM. For all MWA server configuration variables OA_VAR begins from s_mwa. There is also a description for each parameter.
2. R12. While in 11i mwa.cfg is located in $MWA_TOP/secure, in R12 it’s in $INST_TOP/admin/install. Startup script in R12 is located in $INST_TOP/admin/scripts
3. Dispatcher. If we are going to run multiple servers (specified by mwa.TelnetPortNumber / s_mwaTelnetPortNo) then we most likely will also use dispatcher to load balance client requests between MCSA telnet servers. We use mwa.Dispatcher=host:port to set MCSA dispatcher (in AutoConfig there is s_mwaDispatcherPort for the port setting). To start|stop dispatcher we can use: start_dispatcher | stop dispatcher.
Dispatcher is MWADIS binary within $MWA_TOP/bin directory. We can check whether it’s running using:
ps -ef | grep MWADIS
4. OAM. There are Generic Services (MWA MSCA Telnet Server & MWA MSCA Telnet Dispatchers) in OAM that corresponds to MSCA telnet server & dispatcher respectively and can be used to start/stop them automatically.
5. Server shutdown. When we use -login / stop [port]
– it’s so called graceful shutdown. MCSA Telnet Server won’t stop unless there are no clients currently using it. If you need to force shutdown, use stop_force instead of stop
6. Tracing. Setting mwa.LogLevel could be very useful for trobleshooting issues with MWA In 11.5.10/R12 this will usually produce serveral files within MWA log directory:
.WMS.log (optionally)
But for performance tuning we can also use SQL tracing. It can be enabled by setting mwa.LogLevel (s_mwaLogLevel) to performance. SQL trace file will be put into usual user_dump_dest directory on database server.
The steps that needs to be done to disable MWA are as follows:
1. Modify the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/ file by commenting out the following line:
2. Comment out the following lines in the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/ file:
3. Comment out the following lines in the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/jserv.conf file:
ApJServGroupMount /mobile balance://OACoreGroup/mobile
Check if tcfsocket server is running
ps -ef|grep jre|grep comn
appltst 6466 6226 0 14:04:07 ? 0:03 /d01/oratst/testcomn/util/jre/1.1.8/bin/../bin/sparc/native_threads/jre -Ddbcfi
appltst 7969 6226 0 14:12:59 ? 0:03 /d01/oratst/testcomn/util/jre/1.1.8/bin/../bin/sparc/native_threads/jre -Ddbcfi
appltst 6496 6226 0 14:04:13 ? 0:03 /d01/oratst/testcomn/util/jre/1.1.8
Generating jar files
Generating product JAR files in JAVA_TOP –
/d01/oratst/testcomn/java with command:
adjava -mx512m -nojit @/d01/oratst/testappl/admin/TEST02/out/genjars.cmd
The AutoConfig check utility
The AutoConfig check utility is located at Target Database Tier /appsutil/bin
i) Check the AutoConfig configuration files by executing the following command contextfile=.xml appspass= – This report provides information about All the profile options that get changed during the next normal execution of AutoConfig.
– For every profile option there is information about the current value in the database, the changed value and the AutoConfig script that changes the profile option.
– The script will also create a zip file report “” that contains all the files and reports mentioned above, so that you can copy the to a local desktop PC and view the html report from there without breaking the hyper-links in the report.
Check Java Cache in your Env :
login to URL http://: /OA_HTML/jtflogin.jsp
Login as sysadmin and navigate to Performance -> Components.
How to change all Applications user passwords
In apps, there are times when we want to force all the application users to change their passwords. In apps 11i, we have a concurrent request under System Administrator->
CP SQL*Plus Expire FND_USER Passwords
This concurrent request basically sets the fnd_user.password_date to null for all apps users. The users are thus prompted to change their passwords on next login
Responsibility attached to a users
SELECT UNIQUE u.user_id, SUBSTR (u.user_name, 1, 30) user_name,
SUBSTR (r.responsibility_name, 1, 60) responsiblity,
SUBSTR (a.application_name, 1, 50) application
FROM fnd_user u,
fnd_user_resp_groups g,
fnd_application_tl a,
fnd_responsibility_tl r
WHERE g.user_id(+) = u.user_id
AND g.responsibility_application_id = a.application_id
AND a.application_id = r.application_id
AND g.responsibility_id = r.responsibility_id
ORDER BY SUBSTR (user_name, 1, 30),
SUBSTR (a.application_name, 1, 50),
SUBSTR (r.responsibility_name, 1, 60);
Query useful when user wants to get application wise responsibility list
SELECT (SELECT application_short_name
FROM fnd_application fa
WHERE fa.application_id = frt.application_id) application,
frt.responsibility_id, frt.responsibility_name
FROM apps.fnd_responsibility_tl frt;
####### Script to create LENOVO User ###################
####### Please copy this script in a file and execute as apps user #####
REM Script to create a user and add
REM responsibility. This script will run as part of
REM post-clone processes in a non-PROD instance.
SET serveroutput ON
l_appl_short_name fnd_application.application_short_name%TYPE;
l_resp_key fnd_responsibility.responsibility_key%TYPE;
SAVEPOINT create_user;
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(‘Creating user …’||CHR(10));
FND_USER_PKG.CreateUser ( x_user_name => ‘LENOVO’
,x_owner => ‘SEED’
,x_unencrypted_password => ‘welcome1’
,x_description => ‘Consultant’
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(‘User created successfully.’||CHR(10));
SELECT application_short_name
INTO l_appl_short_name
FROM fnd_responsibility_vl resp
,fnd_application app
WHERE app.application_id = resp.application_id
AND responsibility_name = ‘System Administrator’;
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(‘Adding Responsibility…’||CHR(10));
FND_USER_PKG.addresp( username => ‘DELOITTE’
,resp_app => l_appl_short_name
,resp_key => l_resp_key
,security_group => ‘STANDARD’
,description => ”
,start_date => SYSDATE – 1
,end_date => SYSDATE + 364
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(‘Repsonsibility added sucessfully.’);
ROLLBACK TO create_user;
####### Script to create LENOVO User ###################
Using following tables we can get the end-user access details:
Clients requires to restrict duplicate user sessions usually, so in previous project we setted ICX_SESSIONS of DISABLED_FALG=Y to restrict the duplicate session of E-buss suite user. { This can obtain by patch 21228669 }
Client want to secure login policy to more robust for users of 11i.
> The password contains at least one letter and at least one number
> The password does not contain the username
> If user tried more than 3 attempts , password should lock
> If user unable to login more than 2 attempted, need weekly report of those users.
After doing a bit R & D, recommended for the client the following:
1. Change the profile option ” Signon Password Failure limit” to 3, defalt is None.
2. Change the profile option ” Signon Password Hard to guess” to YES, defalt is NO.
3. We are sheduling a con.program weekly using the tables FND_UNSUCCESSFUL_LOGINS and ICX.ICX_FAILURES to reports on login attempts.
JDK version userd by AD Utilities
AD Utilities use jdk 1.3 or jdk 1.4. You can detect the version used by the AD Utilities with the command $ADJVAPRG -version.
frmcmp_batch module=$AU_TOP/forms/US/MSDDEMRH.fmb userid=apps/$APPSPW output_file=$MSD_TOP/forms/US/MSDDEMRH.fmx module_type=form batch=no compile_all=yes
Maintain Snapshot Information:
This will sync up your application tier with database.
Run the following command to locate the properties file that you want to customize to preserve your settings:
sh $AD_TOP/bin/ contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE target=$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/
sh $AD_TOP/bin/ contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE target=$INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/config/
Navigate to the location of the template directory and create a custom subdirectory to store to store your customization:
cd $FND_TOP/admin/template
mkdir custom
Copy the template file to the custom directory. and edit to add custom entries and run autoconfig”
What is staging area ?
Staging Area is special directory structure where you can dump 11i installation software so that you don’t have to insert CD’s during install and these disks will automatically be picked by Installer.
Q. How you set up staging area ?
Use to create staging area orcreate required directory manually for staging like (following directories under Stage11i – startCD, oraApps, oraDB, oraiAS, oraAppsDB, oraNLS and inside these directories Disk1, Disk2…).
Check Jserv with the following url http://:port/servlets/Hello
Increase number of JVM to 2:
1. Comment out this line in the jserv.conf file:
ApJServGroup OACoreGroup 1 1 /d01/oracle/prodora/iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/
2. Uncomment this line in the jserv.conf file:
#ApJServGroup OACoreGroup 2 1 /d01/oracle/prodora/iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/
Bounce apache
To change paswords for all modules:
select ‘FNDCPASS apps/xxx 0 Y system/xxx ORACLE ‘||oracle_username||’ xxxxx’ from fnd_oracle_userid where oracle_username in (select username from dba_users) and oracle_username not in (‘APPS’,’APPLSYS’,’APPLSYSPUB’);
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLSYS WELCOME
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ORACLE GL GL1
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager USER VISION WELCOME
edit pwd is and cat $806ORACLE_HOME/reports60/server/CGIcmd.dat
alter user system identified by xxx;
alter user sys identified by xxx;
FNDCPASS apps/xxx 0 Y system/xxxxxx ALLORACLE xxxxx
WFLOAD syntax
FNDLOAD &ui_apps 0 Y UPLOAD @FND:patch/115/import/affaudit.lct @GMA:patch/115/import/US/gmaausch.ldt
download from one instance and upload to another instance
FNDLOAD apps/password 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct
FNDLOAD APPS/password 0 Y UPLOAD @FND:patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct
backup menus, Responsibility, user using below FNDLOAD commands( ****IMPORTANT STEP****)
FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct PATCH_SUB_MENU.ldt MENU MENU_NAME=””WH_ENQ””
FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct PATCH_MENU.ldt MENU MENU_NAME=””WH_ENQ_MAIN””
FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afscursp.lct PATCH_USER.ldt FND_USER USER_NAME=””MOBILE_USER””
Upload Menus, Responsibility and User using below FNDLOAD commands
cd $backup_dir ** directory in which files were backed up thru step#4
FNDLOAD apps/appspwd 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct PATCH_SUB_MENU.ldt
FNDLOAD apps/appspwd 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct PATCH_MENU.ldt
FNDLOAD apps/appspwd 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afscursp.lct PATCH_RESP.ldt
FNDLOAD apps/appspwd 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afscursp.lct /tmp/PATCH_USER.ldt
sqlplus apps/apps @******.pkh — this will create the package header or specification
sqlplus apps/apps @******.pkb — this will create the package body
adodfcmp userid=cn/cn mode=TABLES odffile=cntrx02.odf touser=apps/apps priv_schema=apps/apps logfile=cn.log changedb=YES
adodfcmp userid=/ odffile=afsec.odf touser=apps_appfnd/xxx logfile=/tmp/a2.lst changedb=Yes priv_schema=apps_appfnd/xxx mode=tables
Execute the following command to determine the version of OA.jsp:
ident $FND_TOP/html/OA.jsp and
ident $OA_HTML/OA.jsp
(ie: Header: OA.jsp 115.26 2002/01/18 14:49:41 pkm ship)
Attention: The version of OA.jsp in $FND_TOP/html should be the same as the one in $OA_HTML if the version of OA.jsp does not match do the following :
Run adadmin.
Choose the option called Maintain Application Files.
Choose the option called Copy files to destination.
Note: If the ident command returns a no such file error or does not return any version information for OA.jsp then you have not installed the Oracle Applications Self Service Framework. Please use this metalink document to install the Self Service Framework.
Note: ident is not available on SUN & AIX. In this instance please use:
adident Header $FND_TOP/html/OA.jsp and
adident Header $OA_HTML/OA.jsp
How to compile JSP in Oracle Apps ?
You can use perl script shipped with Oracle apps to compile JSP files. This script is under $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts. Sample compilation method is
perl –compile –quiet
compiling few jsp’s
Clear the following files from $OA_HTML/../_pages/_oa__html
rm _qot*.*
rm _xx*.* –compile -s ‘%qot%.jsp’ -log $HOME/err.log –flush –compile -s ‘%xxdhr%.jsp’ -log $HOME/err.log –flush
Confirm _qot*.* and _xx*.* files exist (after running the above Perl script)
in $OA_HTML/../_pages/_oa__html directory
Compile JSPs (~ 45 mts)
cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin
perl –compile –flush -p 2
JSP compilation
$ cd $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts
$ ./ –compile
perl -x $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts/ –compile –quiet
perl -x $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts/ –compile –quiet -log /tmp/ojspc_error.log 341205.1
cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin
$ ls -rlt ojsp*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 appldev2 dba 85192 Apr 24 06:23
$ perl -x –compile –quiet
logfile set: $INST_TOP/logs/appl/rgf/ojsp/ojspc_error.log
For r12
How to convert pll to pld file or pld file to pll ?
Pll->Pld f60gen module=MSCOSCW3.pll module_type=library userid=apps/ module_access=file output_file=MSCOSCW1.pld script=yes
Pld -> pll f60gen module=MSCOSCW3.pld userid=apps/ module_type=library module_access=file output_file=MSCOSCW1.pll parse=y batch=yes compile_all=special
How to convert pll to pld file or pld file to pll ?
Ans: Pll->Pld f60gen module=MSCOSCW3.pll module_type=library userid=apps/ module_access=file output_file=MSCOSCW1.pld script=yes
Pld -> pll f60gen module=MSCOSCW3.pld userid=apps/ module_type=library module_access=file output_file=MSCOSCW1.pll parse=y batch=yes compile_all=special
FORM file compilation
The following environment setting should be part of the Forms compilation to include the standard oracle library files.
export PATH=$PATH:$AU_TOP/forms/US:$AU_TOP/resource:$AU_TOP/resource/US
export FORMS60_PATH=$FORMS60_PATH:$AU_TOP/forms/US:$AU_TOP/resource:$AU_TOP/resource/US
f60gen module=$AU_TOP/forms/US/INVTOMAI.fmb userid=apps/xxx output_file=$INV_TOP/forms/US/INVTOMAI.fmx module_type=form batch=yes compile_all=special
Temporarily resetting FORMS_PATH to compile language forms
FORM file compilation
f60gen module=$AU_TOP/forms/F/ASXTRLKP.fmb userid=apps/apps output_file=$AS_TOP/forms/F/ASXTRLKP.fmx module_type=form batch=yes compile_all=special
To complie .fmb , .pll in R12
$ module=$AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.pll userid=apps/xxxx output_file=$AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.plx module_type=library compile_all=special module=$AU_TOP/forms/US/CLX_CTG_FORM.fmb userid=apps/xxxx output_file=$AU_TOP/forms/US/CLX_CTG_FORM.fmx module_type=form compile_all=special
To compile pll file
f60gen module=$AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.pll userid=apps/apps output_file=$AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.plx module_type=library batch=yes compile_all=special
Playing with CUSTOM.pll
To convert from CUSTOM.pll to CUSTOM.pld
f60gen module_type=LIBRARY module=CUSTOM script=YES userid=apps/apps
To convert back from CUSTOM.pld to CUSTOM.pll ( after having edited the text pld file )
f60gen module_type=LIBRARY module=CUSTOM parse=YES userid=apps/apps
To convert from CUSTOM.pll to CUSTOM.plx
f60gen module_type=LIBRARY module=CUSTOM userid=apps/apps
REPORT file comilation
rwcon60 userid=APPS/xxx source=$BIL_TOP/reports/US/BILPHP01.rdf dest=$APPL_TOP/admin/CNV1/out/tmp001.rdf stype=rdffile dtype=rdffile logfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/CNV1/out/adrep001.txt overwrite=yes batch=yes compile_all=yes
rwcon60 userid=APPS/xxx source=BILPHP01.rdf dest=BILPHP01.rex stype=rdffile dtype=rexfile logfile=BILPHP01.txt overwrite=yes batch=yes
rwcon60 userid=apps/apps source=JEFRDVER.rdf stype=rdffile dtype=rexfile dest=JEFRDVER.rex overwrite=yes batch=yes
Compiling all application flexfields.
$FND_TOP/bin/fdfcmp APPS/***** 0 Y
TO start dataInstaller
jre oracle.apps.per.DataInstall apps pwd thin
jre oracle.apps.per.DataInstall apps thin ::
To check to make sure the correct data was installed run the following script this script can also be used to check if datainstaller was run successfully:
select application_short_name, Legislation_code, status, action, last_update_date
from hr_legislation_installations
where application_short_name in (‘PER’,’PAY’);
To check the version of the iAS
cd <ias_oracle_home>/Apache/Apache
httpd -version
To check the version of the forms
To relink manually force=Y ranlib=Y “AD”
./ force=y ranlib=y “WPS WPCFSQ”
To complile forms and reports library
cd $ORACLE_HOME/forms/lib32
Note: if this directory does not exist: cd $ORACLE_HOME/forms/lib
$ make -f install
cd $ORACLE_HOME/reports/lib32
Note: if this directory does not exist: cd $ORACLE_HOME/reports/lib
$ make -f install
Relink Procedure Builder, Forms, Graphics and Reports:
cd $ORACLE_HOME/procbuilder60/lib; make -f install
cd $ORACLE_HOME/forms60/lib; make -f install
cd $ORACLE_HOME/graphics60/lib; make -f install
Reports has both link-time and run-time dependency with so you need to append $ORACLE_HOME/network/jre11/lib/linux/native_threads in
$LD_LIBRARY_PATH before linking Reports. The same $LD_LIBRARY_PATH should be used at run-time.
cd $ORACLE_HOME/reports60/lib; make -f install
Relink iAS and Oracle Home using
To fin perl version
$ perl -version
To find java version
$ java -version
To find JDK version:
From appl_top, xml file
< jdk_top oa_var=”s_jdktop”>/amtoac/applmgr/common/util/java/1.4/j2sdk1.4.2_04
Discoverer launcher and viewer urls
To find Version
$ string –a dis4pr | grep –i ‘discoverer version’
The location for looking for dis4pr is $ORACLE_HOME/diswb4/bin
To start discoverer
Script to start discoverer server is under $OAD_TOP/admin/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME
— This script in turn start discoverer processes which can be start by under $ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/util (This script is different from
— calls scripts like, ,, to start gatekeeper, locator, oad & osagent resp.
In Apps two major way to access EUL is via Discoverer view & Discoverer Plus edition (You can use Discoverer Administration Edition as well)
to generate xml file on apps and db tier
ad_top/bin tier=apps appsuser= appspasswd=
Source the environment before runnibg
Go to /appsutil/bin
perl tier=db appsuser= appspasswd=
Make command
make -f $APPL_TOP/admin/train/out/ $INV_TOP/bin/INCOIN
restart apache without killing current web sessions> $SCRIPTS/ graceful version 115.48
Apache Web Server Listener :httpd ( pid 16249 ) is running.
Gracefully restarting the Apache Web Server Dedicated HTTP Listener..
Apache Web Server Listener (PLSQL) :httpd ( pid 16379 ) is running.
Gracefully restarting the Apache Web Server Dedicated PLSQL Listener.. exiting with status 0
enabling Autoconfig on DB tier
As applmgr Copy AutoConfig templates to the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME
Create file by: perl $AD_TOP/bin/
sandbox806> perl $AD_TOP/bin/
Starting the generation of
Log file located at /ORACLE/apps/sandbox/admin/log/MakeAppsUtil_09061407.log
output located at /ORACLE/apps/sandbox/admin/out/
MakeAppsUtil completed successfully.
Copy file to the $RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME
sandbox> id
uid=300(oracle) gid=200(dba) groups=1(staff),202(oaa),203(move),13(oinstall)
sandbox> cp /ORACLE/apps/sandbox/admin/out/ $ORACLE_HOME
sandbox> ls -l $ORACLE_HOME/
-rw-r–r– 1 oracle dba 2814669 Sep 06 14:13 /ORACLE/sandbox/9.2.0/
unzip -o # say A if being prompted for file over-writing
# Generate the database context file:
sandbox> pwd
sandbox> id
uid=300(oracle) gid=200(dba) groups=1(staff),202(oaa),203(move),13(oinstall)
sandbox> perl tier=db appsuser=apps
Starting context file generation for db tier..
Using JVM from /ORACLE/sandbox/9.2.0/jdk/bin/java to execute java programs..
APPS Password: apps
The log file for this adbldxml session is located at:
Enter the value for Display Variable: hostname:1
Context File /ORACLE/sandbox/9.2.0/appsutil/sandbox_hostname.xml
already exists.
Overwriting Context File may cause loss of existing settings, hence
backing it up as: /ORACLE/sandbox/9.2.0/appsutil/sandbox_hostname.xml.bak
The context file has been created at:
# Take a backup of all the crucial configuration files and Generate and apply AutoConfig configuration file:
a) Backup $TNS_ADMIN/*.ora and $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/*.ora
b) run Autoconfig on source tier to generate the context specific files:
cd /appsutil/bin contextfile= appspass=
c) Restore the $TNS_ADMIN/*.ora and $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/*.ora Immediately
d) Do a reload of the listener.ora to make sure other instances using /var/opt/oracle/listener.ora do not get affected:
$ lsnrctl reload qa
$ lsnrctl reload sandbox
The command used to check for the Forms patchset level
( you should be 17 or above)
`f60gen | grep ‘(Form Compiler)’ | grep -v Release | awk -F. ‘{print $5}’ `
How to find JDBC thin driver that your iAS is using ?
A simple java program & procedure to compile it that will give your jdbc thin driver version.
Create a file with name in your middle tier (Application Tier)
import java.sql.*;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
class JDBCVersion
public static void main (String args[])
throws SQLException
// Load the Oracle JDBC driver
DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
// Get a connection to a database
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection
// Create Oracle DatabaseMetaData object
DatabaseMetaData meta = conn.getMetaData();
// gets driver info:
System.out.println(“JDBC driver version is ” + meta.getDriverVersion());
Replace following parameters
1. with your database hostname or IP address
2. with your database port no.
3. with SID for your database
4. with your apps password
After changing save it with name in your middle tier & execute command
This will create class file in your workign directory. Include your current directory into your classpath like
then execute
java JDBCVersion
you should see output like
JDBC driver version is
Which means you are using jdbc thin driver version
How to check if Apps 11i System is Autoconfig enabled ?
Under $AD_TOP/bin check for file & if this exists use contextfile= show=enabled
If this file is not there , look for any configuration file under APPL_TOP if system is Autoconfig enabled then you will see entry like
# AutoConfig automatically generates this file. It will be read and …….
Context Editor
Application <common_top>/util/editcontext/
Database /appsutil/editcontext/
“To run the Context Editor:
If the [COMMON_TOP]/util/editcontext (for Unix) or [COMMON_TOP]\util\editcontext (for Windows) directory does not
exist, please refer to MetaLink Note 165195.1 titled “”Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations with Oracle
Applications 11i””.
Copy the Context Editor meta data file adctxinf.tmp to the common top directory under util/editcontext/etc and rename
it as adctxinf.xml:
on UNIX:
cp $AD_TOP/admin/template/adctxinf.tmp [COMMON_TOP]/util/editcontext/etc/adctxinf.xml
Editing Context file(xml file) in Oracle apps R12 using Context editor.
It is a mandatory thing that you should not edit the context file or xml file manually .
Context editor should be used for this(This can be used for updating ports or to change any configuration)
of application Tier or database tier.
follow these steps to install context editor in your existing oracle apps R12 system.
Apply patch 2873456 from metalink
after applying you will not be able to invoke the editcontext executable and you will get a error. this is because jre 1.1.8 which is
supplied along with this patch is no longer supported.
So download jre1.5.0_10 from and unpack it inside the path editcontext/jre/Linux/
and rename the old 1.1.8 jre inside that
then go to the bin directory inside the editcontext directory
open the file
and accordingly replace the jre directory and also replace the jre executable with java in the same file ..
and invoke it from
$RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil for editing database context(xml) file.
$COMMON_TOP/util for editing Application context(xml) file.
Syntax is
Before editing shutdown the application tier and after editing run to update the configuration files to reflect the new value.
The URL for ext web node is
JTF Login Page for customers using CRM (Check for each MT using real host names).
start Apache in SSL mode as root (on web025) using following cmd:
. //APPSORA.env
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/httpdsctl startssl.
URL to access OAM
access http://.:/servlets/weboam/oam/oamlogin
How will you identify if you are using Forms in Socket or Servlet mode in Oracle Applications 11i or R12 ?
You can find out the form are in Socket or Servlet mode in form configuration file it is in $COMMON_TOP/html/bin and the file name is “appsweb_SID_hostname.cfg”.
s_forms_servlet_serverurl If value is blank that means this is not servlet else if value is “/forms/formservlet” this indicates forms servlet.
In the context file, unde OA variable, ‘frmConnectMode’
repackage the jinit using the following command : $COMMON_TOP/util/jinitiator $COMMON_TOP/util/jinitiator/j2se15012.exe
CPU patch log location on iAS HOME/d01/oratst/preprodora/iAS/cpu/CPUJul2005/install-Jun-09-2008-07-11-34.log
Apache config test
$ pwd
$ ./apachectl configtest
Syntax error on line 239 of /d01/oratst/preprodora/iAS/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /d01/oratst/preprodora/iAS/Apache/Apache/libexec/ into server: httpd: fatal: relocation error: file /d01/oratst/preprodora/iAS/Apache/Apache/libexec/ symbol ap_escape_logitem: referenced symbol not found
To check X-display is working
Access page at http://hostname.domainnmae:8000/OA_HTML/testXServer.jsp. If the display setting is inappropriate you will see an exception page
Edit the AutoConfig context file.
If you are currently using E-Business Suite level 11.5.9 or above, or have applied FND.G patchset (or above), you will use Oracle Applications Manager to edit your context file. For all previous versions, you will use the AutoConfig Context Editor tool.
To edit the context file using Oracle Applications Manager, login to Oracle Applications Manager and navigate to Site Map > AutoConfig > Edit Parameters.
To edit the context file using the AutoConfig Context Editor tool, enter the following commands:
% cd [COMMON_TOP]/util/editcontext/
% ./editcontext”
To convert host specific url to user friendly url
Make host entries for ebus and make the following xml file changes and run autoconfig.
$ grep evis VIS_hostname.xml
< disco_machine oa_var=”s_disco_machine”>evis.corpdom.local
< apps_portal_url oa_var=”s_apps_portal_url”>http://evis.corpdom.local:8000/pls/VIS_portal30/portal30.home
< login_page oa_var=”s_login_page”>http://evis.corpdom.local:8000/OA_HTML/US/ICXINDEX_VIS_hostname.htm
< forms60_mapping oa_var=”s_f60map”>http://evis.corpdom.local:8000/OA_TEMP
MWA boucne procedure on 11 i
cd $MWA_TOP/bin start 10200 start 10210 start 10220 start 10230 start 10240
nohup start_dispatcher & Port for Dispatcher is 10300
Procedure to Shutdown Dispatcher -login sysadmin/xxx stop_force 10200 -login sysadmin/xxx stop_force 10210 -login sysadmin/xxx stop_force 10220 -login sysadmin/xxx stop_force 10230 -login sysadmin/xxx stop_force 10240
nohup stop_dispatcher &
1. Autoconfig. In autoconfig-enbled environment configuration file mwa.cfg is written by autoconfig. So it would be good to modify any configuration setting that you want to be permanent via AutoConfig editor in OAM. For all MWA server configuration variables OA_VAR begins from s_mwa. There is also a description for each parameter.
2. R12. While in 11i mwa.cfg is located in $MWA_TOP/secure, in R12 it’s in $INST_TOP/admin/install. Startup script in R12 is located in $INST_TOP/admin/scripts
3. Dispatcher. If we are going to run multiple servers (specified by mwa.TelnetPortNumber / s_mwaTelnetPortNo) then we most likely will also use dispatcher to load balance client requests between MCSA telnet servers. We use mwa.Dispatcher=host:port to set MCSA dispatcher (in AutoConfig there is s_mwaDispatcherPort for the port setting). To start|stop dispatcher we can use: start_dispatcher | stop dispatcher.
Dispatcher is MWADIS binary within $MWA_TOP/bin directory. We can check whether it’s running using:
ps -ef | grep MWADIS
4. OAM. There are Generic Services (MWA MSCA Telnet Server & MWA MSCA Telnet Dispatchers) in OAM that corresponds to MSCA telnet server & dispatcher respectively and can be used to start/stop them automatically.
5. Server shutdown. When we use -login / stop [port]
– it’s so called graceful shutdown. MCSA Telnet Server won’t stop unless there are no clients currently using it. If you need to force shutdown, use stop_force instead of stop
6. Tracing. Setting mwa.LogLevel could be very useful for trobleshooting issues with MWA In 11.5.10/R12 this will usually produce serveral files within MWA log directory:
.WMS.log (optionally)
But for performance tuning we can also use SQL tracing. It can be enabled by setting mwa.LogLevel (s_mwaLogLevel) to performance. SQL trace file will be put into usual user_dump_dest directory on database server.
The steps that needs to be done to disable MWA are as follows:
1. Modify the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/ file by commenting out the following line:
2. Comment out the following lines in the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/ file:
3. Comment out the following lines in the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/jserv.conf file:
ApJServGroupMount /mobile balance://OACoreGroup/mobile
Check if tcfsocket server is running
ps -ef|grep jre|grep comn
appltst 6466 6226 0 14:04:07 ? 0:03 /d01/oratst/testcomn/util/jre/1.1.8/bin/../bin/sparc/native_threads/jre -Ddbcfi
appltst 7969 6226 0 14:12:59 ? 0:03 /d01/oratst/testcomn/util/jre/1.1.8/bin/../bin/sparc/native_threads/jre -Ddbcfi
appltst 6496 6226 0 14:04:13 ? 0:03 /d01/oratst/testcomn/util/jre/1.1.8
Generating jar files
Generating product JAR files in JAVA_TOP –
/d01/oratst/testcomn/java with command:
adjava -mx512m -nojit @/d01/oratst/testappl/admin/TEST02/out/genjars.cmd
The AutoConfig check utility
The AutoConfig check utility is located at Target Database Tier /appsutil/bin
i) Check the AutoConfig configuration files by executing the following command contextfile=.xml appspass= – This report provides information about All the profile options that get changed during the next normal execution of AutoConfig.
– For every profile option there is information about the current value in the database, the changed value and the AutoConfig script that changes the profile option.
– The script will also create a zip file report “” that contains all the files and reports mentioned above, so that you can copy the to a local desktop PC and view the html report from there without breaking the hyper-links in the report.
Check Java Cache in your Env :
login to URL http://: /OA_HTML/jtflogin.jsp
Login as sysadmin and navigate to Performance -> Components.
How to change all Applications user passwords
In apps, there are times when we want to force all the application users to change their passwords. In apps 11i, we have a concurrent request under System Administrator->
CP SQL*Plus Expire FND_USER Passwords
This concurrent request basically sets the fnd_user.password_date to null for all apps users. The users are thus prompted to change their passwords on next login
Responsibility attached to a users
SELECT UNIQUE u.user_id, SUBSTR (u.user_name, 1, 30) user_name,
SUBSTR (r.responsibility_name, 1, 60) responsiblity,
SUBSTR (a.application_name, 1, 50) application
FROM fnd_user u,
fnd_user_resp_groups g,
fnd_application_tl a,
fnd_responsibility_tl r
WHERE g.user_id(+) = u.user_id
AND g.responsibility_application_id = a.application_id
AND a.application_id = r.application_id
AND g.responsibility_id = r.responsibility_id
ORDER BY SUBSTR (user_name, 1, 30),
SUBSTR (a.application_name, 1, 50),
SUBSTR (r.responsibility_name, 1, 60);
Query useful when user wants to get application wise responsibility list
SELECT (SELECT application_short_name
FROM fnd_application fa
WHERE fa.application_id = frt.application_id) application,
frt.responsibility_id, frt.responsibility_name
FROM apps.fnd_responsibility_tl frt;
####### Script to create LENOVO User ###################
####### Please copy this script in a file and execute as apps user #####
REM Script to create a user and add
REM responsibility. This script will run as part of
REM post-clone processes in a non-PROD instance.
SET serveroutput ON
l_appl_short_name fnd_application.application_short_name%TYPE;
l_resp_key fnd_responsibility.responsibility_key%TYPE;
SAVEPOINT create_user;
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(‘Creating user …’||CHR(10));
FND_USER_PKG.CreateUser ( x_user_name => ‘LENOVO’
,x_owner => ‘SEED’
,x_unencrypted_password => ‘welcome1’
,x_description => ‘Consultant’
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(‘User created successfully.’||CHR(10));
SELECT application_short_name
INTO l_appl_short_name
FROM fnd_responsibility_vl resp
,fnd_application app
WHERE app.application_id = resp.application_id
AND responsibility_name = ‘System Administrator’;
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(‘Adding Responsibility…’||CHR(10));
FND_USER_PKG.addresp( username => ‘DELOITTE’
,resp_app => l_appl_short_name
,resp_key => l_resp_key
,security_group => ‘STANDARD’
,description => ”
,start_date => SYSDATE – 1
,end_date => SYSDATE + 364
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(‘Repsonsibility added sucessfully.’);
ROLLBACK TO create_user;
####### Script to create LENOVO User ###################
Using following tables we can get the end-user access details:
Clients requires to restrict duplicate user sessions usually, so in previous project we setted ICX_SESSIONS of DISABLED_FALG=Y to restrict the duplicate session of E-buss suite user. { This can obtain by patch 21228669 }
Client want to secure login policy to more robust for users of 11i.
> The password contains at least one letter and at least one number
> The password does not contain the username
> If user tried more than 3 attempts , password should lock
> If user unable to login more than 2 attempted, need weekly report of those users.
After doing a bit R & D, recommended for the client the following:
1. Change the profile option ” Signon Password Failure limit” to 3, defalt is None.
2. Change the profile option ” Signon Password Hard to guess” to YES, defalt is NO.
3. We are sheduling a con.program weekly using the tables FND_UNSUCCESSFUL_LOGINS and ICX.ICX_FAILURES to reports on login attempts.
JDK version userd by AD Utilities
AD Utilities use jdk 1.3 or jdk 1.4. You can detect the version used by the AD Utilities with the command $ADJVAPRG -version.
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