1.1 Shared Application Tier File System Concepts and Terminology
You can configure multiple application node machines working with a single Oracle E-Business Suite database node. This creation of a "multi-node" Oracle E-Business Suite instance is frequently done to lower cost of ownership (many small machines are cheaper than one big one), increase fault tolerance (one machine fails, others do not), or scale the instance (support more users and a greater load).
When configuring Oracle E-Business Suite to use a shared application tier file system, the application tier node can be configured to perform any of the standard application tier services, such as Forms, Web, and Concurrent Processing (Batch).
Note the following definitions:
A node is a logical set of processes running on one hardware machine. Sometimes a node is also referred to as a "server" or an "instance". In a single-node installation of Oracle E-Business Suite, all the Applications processes (including the database processes) run on one node, whereas in a multi-node installation, the processes are distributed across multiple nodes.
A multi-node installation of Release 12 supports both shared and non-shared application tier file systems. An application tier file system consists of:
- APPL_TOP file system (APPL_TOP and COMMON_TOP directories).
- Application tier technology stack file system (OracleAS 10.1.2 and 10.1.3 Oracle Homes).
- Instance Home (INST_TOP) file system. Each application tier has a unique Instance Home file system associated with it.
- OraInventory directory which stores information about all the components installed in various Oracle Homes
A service is a functional set of Oracle E-Business Suite application processes running on one or more nodes. Where applicable, the term 'service' is replacing the more traditional term of 'server'.
Application Tier Services
The following are the major application tier services:
- Root services
- Web Entry Point services
- Web Application services
- Batch Processing services
- Other services
Primary Application Tier Node
A primary application tier node is the first application tier node where the APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, OracleAS 10.1.2 Oracle Home and OracleAS 10.1.3 Oracle Home are installed and configured.
Secondary Application Tier Node
A secondary application tier node is an application tier node where APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, 10.1.2 Oracle Home and 10.1.3 Oracle Home are visible and configured. The APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, OracleAS 10.1.2 Oracle Home and OracleAS 10.1.3 Oracle Home file system is mounted to this node from the primary application tier node, or from an NFS server.
Instance Home
Instance Home is the top-level directory that contains all the instance specific files associated with an Application Tier node (APPL_TOP, OracleAS 10.1.2 Oracle Home and OracleAS 10.1.3 Oracle Home, log files, pid files and certificates files). In a shared file system, each application tier will have a unique Instance Home, which should be located on the local file system.
The Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 architecture is a framework for multi-tiered, distributed computing. In this model, various services are distributed among multiple levels, or tiers, as shown in the figure below. Refer to Oracle Applications Concepts in the Oracle Applications Documentation Library to learn more about Oracle E-Business Suite architecture.
In a shared file system, all application tier files (with the specific exception of the Instance Home file system) are installed on a shared disk resource, which is mounted on each application tier node.Any application tier node can be configured to perform any of the standard application tier services, such as Forms, Web and Concurrent Processing (Batch) services. All changes made to the shared file system are immediately accessible to all application tier nodes.
- For optimum performance, it is advisable to use a local file system for the Instance Home.
- To implement a shared file system, all application tier nodes must be running the same operating system.
1.3 Shared Application Tier File System Layout
When configuring Oracle E-Business Suite to use a shared application tier file system, an application tier node can be configured to perform any of the standard application tier services, such as Forms, Web, or Concurrent Processing (Batch) services. An application tier will have a unique Instance Home associated with it that cannot be shared with other application tiers. You can configure the services running on an application tier node to match the node's intended role.
Note: In a shared file system, User ID and group ID should be consistent across all nodes to avoid file access permission issues. You must retain the same absolute path for the mount points of the shared file system on each node. The value for the context variable "s_atName" must be same across all the application tier nodes context files.
Example Shared File System
The following is an example of mount points shared on each application tier node:
- COMMON_TOP: /d01/shared_mount/apps/apps_
st/viscomn - APPL_TOP: /d01/shared_mount/apps/apps_
st/visappl - OracleAS 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME: /d01/shared_mount/apps/tech_
st/10.1.2 - OracleAS 10.1.3 ORACLE_HOME: /d01/shared_mount/apps/tech_
st/10.1.3 - OraInventory /d01/shared_mount/OraInventory
In the figure shown below, entitled "Shared Application Tier File System", Server-ap6012rt is the primary application tier node, and uses the file systems "/d01/shared_mount" and "/d01/local". The file system "/d01/local" contains the Instance Home, and "/d01/shared_mount" contains the APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, OracleAS 10.1.2 and 10.1.3 Oracle Home.
Server-ap6011rt is the secondary application tier node, and the shared file system "/d01/shared_mount" is also mounted on this node. The file systems "/d01/local/apps/<CONTEXT NAME for Server-ap6012rt>" and "/d01/local/apps/<CONTEXT NAME for Server-ap6011rt>"are only visible on the respective nodes.
1.4 Using a Shared Application Tier File System in an Oracle Cluster File System Environment
Note: OCFS2 patches are limited to customers with an Oracle Linux Support Subscription. For OCFS2 support and operating system details, refer to the Project: OCFS2 website.
- Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS2) for Linux OCFS2 1.4 and higher is supported for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 application tier file systems.
- System administrators may deploy both the APPL_TOP and INST_TOP on Linux-based OCFS2 shared-disk cluster file systems.
- Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 certification tests with OCFS2-based application tier shared file systems used the following configuration:
- Oracle Enterprise Linux Version 5 Update 4 (OEL5U4 64-bit) running OCFS2 1.4.4
- Separate volumes for APPL_TOP and INST_TOP storage (INST_TOP was also tested and is certified with local storage)
- Oracle E-Business Suite application tier mount options used: rw, _netdev, nointr
- Mount option datavolume was not used in the application tier mounts
- For detailed instructions on configuring OCFS2, see OCFS2: A Cluster File System for Linux: User's Guide for Release 1.4 on the Project: OCFS2 website.
In a multi-node Oracle E-Business Suite instance, you can have more than one application node used for administration (to patch the instance). Verify and update the context file using the Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) Context Editor on all the application tier node(s)
Variable Name
Variable Value
Same as s_at
In a multi-node Oracle E-Business Suite instance, you can have more than one application node where the Concurrent Processing (Batch) service is enabled. All the application node(s) where the Concurrent Processing (Batch) service is enabled should have the $APPLCSF and $FNDREVIVERPID environment variables set to the same value. A shared file system should be allocated for the concurrent manager logs and reviver pids. Verify and update the context file using the Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) Context Editor for all the Application Node(s):
Variable Name
Variable Value
Same on all nodes
Same on all nodes
In a multi-node Oracle E-Business Suite instance, you can have more than one Application node where Web entry point services are enabled.
For information on implementing load balancing in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12, see My Oracle Support Knowledge document <="" a="">380489.1 , Advanced Configurations and Topologies for Enterprise Deployments of E-Business Suite Release 12.
In a multi-node Oracle E-Business Suite instance, you can have more than one Application node where the Web application service (Forms) is enabled. Verify and update the context file using the Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) Context Editor for all the application node(s):
Variable Name
Variable Value
Rapid Install configures multi-node systems to use a shared application tier file system as the default. Before you run Rapid Install, you must do the following:
- Pre-Install tasks
- Allocate the shared file system for the installation
- Create the user id and group id for the Applications user (such as APPLMGR) on all the application nodes. The user and group id must be the same on all the nodes
- The shared file system must be mounted on all the application nodes, so that the file system layout is same across all the nodes.
- Run Rapid Install on each node, and specify the appropriate mount points
When running Rapid Install for the first time you need to provide details for all the nodes you choose to configure. To specify the details for additional Application nodes, click on the 'Add Server' button in the 'Node Information' screen for each additional node to be configured. You must define the path to the applications file system to be the same on each node. The following paths must be the same: - APPL_TOP
For example:
- Shared COMMON_TOP: /d01/shared_mount/apps/apps_
st/viscomn - Shared APPL_TOP: /d01/shared_mount/apps/apps_
st/visappl - Shared Tools ORACLE_HOME: /d01/shared_mount/apps/tech_
st/visora/10.1.2 - Shared Web ORACLE_HOME: /d01/shared_mount/apps/tech_
Note:To enable the node being added to share the application tier file system you must select the Shared Filesystem checkbox and select the primary node from the drop-down list. Refer to Oracle Applications Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install in the Oracle Applications Documentation Library for more details.
If the primary application node is not the same as the database node, run Rapid Install on each added application node as well as on the primary application node. In the Rapid Install 'Configuration Choice' screen, choose 'Load the following saved configuration' and enter the appropriate database connect string. For more details, refer to 'Standard Installations' in Chapter 2, 'Performing an Installation', of Oracle Applications Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install, available in the Oracle Applications Documentation Library.
This section describes how to add a node to a shared application tier file system.
- Prepare existing node
Execute Rapid Clone on the existing node
As the APPLMGR user, log in to the node that is sharing the file system and execute the following commands:
$ cd <INST_TOP>/admin/scripts/
$ perl appsTier
$ perl appsTier
- Make the Applications files accessible
Mount the shared file system disk to the Application node that you want to add. For example, after mounting the shared file system disk, the following file system is visible from both the application nodes: - Shared COMMON_TOP: /d01/shared_mount/apps/apps_
st/viscomn - Shared APPL_TOP: /d01/shared_mount/apps/apps_
st/visappl - Shared OracleAS 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME: /d01/shared_mount/apps/tech_
st/visora/10.1.2 - Shared OracleAS 10.1.3 ORACLE_HOME: /d01/shared_mount/apps/tech_
Note: User ID and group ID should be consistent across nodes in a shared file system to avoid file access permission issues. You must retain the same absolute path for the mount points of the shared file system on each node. The value for the context variable "s_atName" must be same in the context file for all the application tier nodes.
- Configure the node to be added
You will have to copy the Applications context file for the existing node to the current node if the Applications context file for the existing node is not accessible from the current node. Execute the commands listed below in the table. Refer to Appendix A for an example on prompts while running
As the APPLMGR user, log in to the node that you want to add.
As the APPLMGR user, log in to the node that you want to add.
$ cd $COMMON_TOP/clone/bin
$ perl addnode \
The above command will create a new context file for the node you were adding to the multi-node system. The next step is to run the AutoConfig utility which will generate the new Instance Home for this node and update the required tables in the database.
$ perl $AD_TOP/bin/ \
contextfile=<specify the path to the new context file, including the file name>
The next step is to run the AutoConfig utility on all the other nodes so that the required configuration files on those are updated with the new node information.
$ perl addnode \
The above command will create a new context file for the node you were adding to the multi-node system. The next step is to run the AutoConfig utility which will generate the new Instance Home for this node and update the required tables in the database.
$ perl $AD_TOP/bin/ \
contextfile=<specify the path to the new context file, including the file name>
The next step is to run the AutoConfig utility on all the other nodes so that the required configuration files on those are updated with the new node information.
This section describes how to implement read-only file system for shared application tier nodes. The read-only file system node can be configured to perform any of the standard application tier services, such as Forms, Web and Concurrent Processing (Batch). Admin capability should not be configured on this node. The file system associated with APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, Tools Oracle Home and Web Oracle Home must be mounted as read-only. This will ensure that any process running on this node will not be able to create or update or delete any file in the file system. The file system associated with Instance Home must have read and write permissions.
For example, the file system permissions should be as follows on this node:
File System Permissions
APPL_TOP: /d01/shared_mount/apps/apps_
APPL_TOP: /d01/shared_mount/apps/apps_
COMMON_TOP: /d01/shared_mount/apps/apps_
COMMON_TOP: /d01/shared_mount/apps/apps_
COMMON_TOP: /d01/shared_mount/apps/apps_
COMMON_TOP: /d01/shared_mount/apps/apps_
OracleAS 10.1.2 Tools Oracle Home: /d01/shared_mount/apps/tech_
OracleAS 10.1.3 Web Oracle Home: /d01/shared_mount/apps/tech_
INST_TOP: /d01/local/apps/<CONTEXT_NAME>
OraInventory Directory
- Run Steps1 through to 3 as described in Section 4
- Update the following variable in the context file and run AutoConfig on all the Application Tier nodes
- The context file for this node should reside in the Instance Home. Verify and update the context file using the Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) Context Editor on all the application node(s):
Variable Name
Variable Value
<Instance Home>/appl
- Restart application tier processes.
This section lists the tasks that may be necessary, depending on your implementation and the intended use of the multi-node Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
- If you have more than one application node where 'Web Entry Point services' are enabled, you need to implement load-balancing
For information on implementing load balancing in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12, see My Oracle Support Knowledge 380490.1 Advanced Configurations and Topologies for Enterprise Deployments of E-Business Suite Release 12.
- If you have more than one application node where 'Batch Processing services' are enabled, you need to implement Parallel Concurrent Processing
For information on configuring Parallel Concurrent Processing (PCP), refer to chapter 'Defining Concurrent Managers' section 'Overview of Parallel Concurrent Processing' inOracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Configuration in the Oracle Applications Documentation Library.
This section describes how to migrate non-shared application tier file system to shared Application Tier file system.
- Migrate any configuration customization to the primary application tier node. For more details, refer to section 'Configuration Customizations' in My Oracle Support Knowledge ,Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle Applications Release 12.
- Follow the instructions described in Section 4.
- Follow the instructions described in Finishing Tasks.
This section describes how a shared application tier file system affects system administration
- Applying Technology Stack Patches (OracleAS 10.1.2 and OracleAS 10.1.3 Oracle Homes)
Application services running on the primary and all secondary nodes must be shut down before applying any technology stack patches. Technology stack patches are to be applied on the primary application node only.
- Applying Applications Patches
Applications patches only need to be applied once, on any one of the application tier nodes. The patched files are immediately accessible to all the other application tier nodes.
In addition, Distributed AD can be used to enhance the patch application process for Applications patches by taking advantage of the shared application tier file system.
- Applying Applications Patches When Sharing Application Tier File System Among Multiple Database Instances
Applications patches must be applied first to the primary application tier node. When applying patch to the primary node, all the adpatch actions must be executed. You can turn off some of the actions as shown below when applying patches to the secondary database instance.
$ adpatch options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion,nocompilejsp
- Oracle HTTP Server Lock FilesOracle HTTP Server processes create temporary lock files for its internal operation. The location of these lock files is specified in httpd.conf by the LockFile. You must ensure that value of the AutoConfig variable s_lock_pid_dir is set to a location on the local file system to avoid file locking issues on a network file system.
R12 Service Deployment option
Root Services: s_root_status
Oracle Process Manager: s_opmnstatus (
Web Entry Point Services: s_web_entry_status
Oracle HTTP Server: s_oacorestatus (
Web Application Services: s_web_applications_status
OACORE OC4J: s_oacorectrl (
FORMS OC4J: s_formsstatus (
OAFM OC4J: s_oafmstatus (
Batch Processing Services: s_batch_status
OracleTNSListenerAPPS: s_tnsstatus (
OracleConcMgr: s_concstatus (
Oracle ICSM: s_icsmctrl (
Oracle Fulfillment Server: s_jtffsstatus (
Other Service Group: s_other_service_group_status
OracleFormsServer: s_formsserver_status (
Oracle Metrics Client: s_metcstatus (
Oracle Metrics Server: s_metsstatus (
Oracle MWA Service: s_mwastatus (
On VM limited resource available on you PC then follow cloning.
single to multi node clonning Shared APPLICATION.
Single machine-
hostfile entry: oracle
1. After that you have plan the cloning single node to multi node i.e
DB is another node
APPS is another node
It's multi node system.
2. DB and APPS on running state on
run on application tier.
3. after completeing stop application and db
./ apps/apps - APPS
./ stop PROD - DB Listener
./ stop - DB
4. shutdown linux VM machine.
5. GO VM Snapshot Manager and create Linked Clone Name is - AppsNode.
6. After Completeing Clone Add and configure some setting on new node.
hostfile entry: oracle
After That both Node host file entry is
hostfile entry: oracle
hostfile entry: oracle
communicate both machine ping with host name like :
ping oracle
ping linux
7. Start both machine
Check NFS mount point accessible
8. Start db on VM Node R12
9. perl appsTier
ERROR:- adcfgclone
If any error occur when running like:-
perl appsTier
Unable to find the PD KSH version
Unable to find in user PATH
Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation
Redwood Shores, California, USA
Oracle Applications Rapid Clone
Version 12.0.0
adcfgclone Version 120.20.12000000.11
Enter the APPS password :
Checking for make... found - /usr/bin/make
Checking for ld... found - /usr/bin/ld
Checking for cc... found - /usr/bin/cc
Checking for ar... found - /usr/bin/ar
Checking for ksh...
Unable to find PD KSH version.
Unable to locate all utilities with system path.
PATH = /u01/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/
WARNING: Could not find all the required OS utilities in the $PATH. Please review the checks above
check metalink note: 451994.1 for more details.
-bash-3.2$ rpm -qa | grep ksh
-bash-3.2$ vim
export KSH_VERSION='@(#)PD KSH ksh-20060214-1.4'
10. -bash-3.2$ perl appsTier
Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation
Redwood Shores, California, USA
Oracle Applications Rapid Clone
Version 12.0.0
adcfgclone Version 120.20.12000000.11
Enter the APPS password :
Log file located at /u01/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/
Provide the values required for creation of the new APPL_TOP Context file.
Target System Hostname (virtual or normal) [linux] :
Target System Database SID : PROD
Target System Database Server Node [linux] : oracle
Target System Base Directory : /u01/oracle/PROD
Target System Forms ORACLE_HOME Directory [/u01/oracle/PROD/apps/tech_
Target System Web ORACLE_HOME Directory [/u01/oracle/PROD/apps/tech_
Target System APPL_TOP Mountpoint [/u01/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_
Target System COMMON_TOP Directory [/u01/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_
Target System Instance Home Directory [/u01/oracle/PROD/inst] :
Target System Root Service [enabled] :
Target System Web Entry Point Services [enabled] :
Target System Web Application Services [enabled] :
Target System Batch Processing Services [enabled] :
Target System Other Services [disabled] :
Do you want to preserve the Display [oracle:0.0] (y/n) ? : n
Target System Display [linux:0.0] :
Do you want the the target system to have the same port values as the source system (y/n) [y] ? : n
Target System Port Pool [0-99] : 0
Checking the port pool 0
done: Port Pool 0 is free
Report file located at /u01/oracle/PROD/inst/apps/
Complete port information available at /u01/oracle/PROD/inst/apps/
UTL_FILE_DIR on database tier consists of the following directories.
1. /usr/tmp
2. /usr/tmp
3. /u01/oracle/PROD/db/tech_st/
4. /usr/tmp
Choose a value which will be set as APPLPTMP value on the target node [1] :
Creating the new APPL_TOP Context file from :
The new APPL_TOP context file has been created :
Log file located at /u01/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/
Check Clone Context logfile /u01/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/
Running Rapid Clone with command:
perl /u01/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/
perl /u01/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/
APPS Password :
Beginning application tier Apply - Sun Oct 19 22:33:10 2014
APPS Password : Log file located at /u01/oracle/PROD/inst/apps/
\ 50% completed
Completed Apply...
Sun Oct 19 22:55:05 2014
Starting application Services for PROD:
You are running version 120.13.12000000.3
Executing service control script:
script returned:
You are running version 120.4.12000000.3
Starting Oracle Process Manager (OPMN) ... exiting with status 0 check the logfile /u01/oracle/PROD/inst/apps/
.end std out.
.end err out.
Executing service control script:
script returned:
You are running version 120.6.12000000.2
Starting OPMN managed Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) instance ... exiting with status 0 check the logfile /u01/oracle/PROD/inst/apps/
.end std out.
.end err out.
Executing service control script:
all services coming up.
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