Oracle Application 12.2 ADOP concepts
ADOP stands for AD Online Patching. From Release 12.2+ patching can only be performed by using adop.
You have to use adop instead of adpatch unlike previous release of EBS.
From 12.2+ onward each application node of apps will contain two file systems.
RUN file system: This is the actual file system where all the live applications run.
PATCH file system: Here is the actual concept of online patching coming in to picture with this file system.
recommend to download all application patches to PATCH_TOP
($APPL_TOP_NE/../patch) before you proceed with the actual patching
is designed to support online patching activity with minimal downtime.
To support that it is been divided into multiple phases. You can pass
following phase with adop.
adop phase=prepare/apply/finalize/cutover/cleanup/actualize_all/abort
Usage: adop phase=prepare
Steps it will do - 1. Prepare the patch file system to ready for the patching
2. Create Patch Edition
3. Submit ADZDPATCH concurrent request to stop
any conflict requests to submit from
patch edition.
4. Create session ID in ad_adop _sessions table
with prepare_status as 'Y' at the end of
Apply - Actual patching activity
Usage: adop phase=apply
Steps it will do - 1. Apply the specified patch to Patch File system.
2. Update the session ID created by prepare with apply_status as 'P' at the end of apply.
3. Insert entry in ad_adop_session_patches table with bug_number as the patch number.
Finalize - To prepare DB and APPS for cutover
Usage: adop phase=finalize
Cutover -
This is where you need actual minimal down time where application
services get stooped from RUN file system and start it from patch file
Usage: adop phase=cutover
Steps it will do - 1. Change the file system from PATCH to RUN
2. Change the Edition from PATCH to current
3. Do finalize if not run explicitly
4. Stop the ADZDPATCH concurrent request submitted during prepare
5. This will have the following status for cutover_status in ad_adop_sessions
'R' - 'RUNNING',
'F' - 'FAILED',
'P' - 'ACTIVE',
Usage: adop phase=cleanup
Usage: adop phase=actualize_all
Usage: adop phase=abort

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