Sunday 7 July 2024

Oracle Apps DBA Workflow Mailer Tips

 Dear All,

In this post will share couple of Workflow mailer related information as part of Oracle Apps DBA Job.

Set Override Address

 Set the Override Address to the required address:

Run the following script @$FND_TOP/sql/afsvcpup.sql from sqlplus as apps user


SQL> @$FND_TOP/sql/afsvcpup.sql


Component Id Component Name                 Component Status Type            Containe

------------ ------------------------------ ---------------- --------------- --------

       10000 ECX Inbound Agent Listener     STOPPED          WF_AGENT_LISTEN GSM

       10001 ECX Transaction Agent Listener STOPPED          WF_AGENT_LISTEN GSM

       10002 Workflow Deferred Agent Listen STOPPED          WF_AGENT_LISTEN GSM

       10003 Workflow Deferred Notification STOPPED          WF_AGENT_LISTEN GSM

       10004 Workflow Error Agent Listener  STOPPED          WF_AGENT_LISTEN GSM

       10005 Workflow Inbound Notifications STOPPED          WF_AGENT_LISTEN GSM

       10006 Workflow Notification Mailer   DEACTIVATED_SYST WF_MAILER       GSM

       10020 Web Services IN Agent          STOPPED          WF_JAVA_AGENT_L GSM

       10021 Web Services OUT Agent         STOPPED          WF_DOCUMENT_WEB GSM

       10022 Workflow Java Deferred Agent L STOPPED          WF_JAVA_AGENT_L GSM

       10023 Workflow Java Error Agent List STOPPED          WF_JAVA_AGENT_L GSM

       10040 WF_JMS_IN Listener(M4U)        STOPPED          WF_JAVA_AGENT_L GSM

       10041 Workflow Inbound JMS Agent Lis STOPPED          WF_AGENT_LISTEN GSM



Enter Component Id: enter id corresponds to Workflow Notification Mailer


Enter Component Id: 10006


For prompt Enter the Comp Parameter Id to update enter id corresponds to “Test Address”


Comp Param Id Parameter Name         Default Value    Value        Req Reload


10093          Test Address           NONE                          N   Y


Enter the Comp Param Id to update : 10093


You have selected parameter : Test Address

Current value of parameter  :


Enter the desired test email address at the next prompt, for example:


Enter a value for the parameter  :


Gmail account details:


User -

Password – racsinfo12


1.2Update existing notifications


Update the notifications in the WF_NOTIFICATIONS table so they are not sent from the cloned environment:


update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set mail_status = 'SENT' where mail_status = 'MAIL';


1.3Rebuild the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue


Purge the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue and rebuild it with data currently in the WF_NOTIFICATIONS table:




1.4Update Mailer Settings






1.1.5Known Problem - Workflow Services problem


This has happened a couple of times. If the Services don’t start up it will be worth performing the below steps:


Unable to start the following Service Instances for Generic Service Component Container: 
-Workflow Agent Listener Service
-Workflow Document Web Services Service
-Workflow Mailer Service 

Error Codes:
Could not start Service Component Container -> oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentContainerException: BES system could not establish connection to the control queue after 180 seconds 


The cause of your issue is that queue wf_control is corrupt, and WF Services can't read data from it. 
To resolve the issue, proceed with steps below : 

1- Stop the Conc Managers 
2- Drop/Recreate queeu wf_control : 

sqlplus apps/apps @$FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/wfctqrec.sql APPLSYS apps

3- Start the Conc Managers 
4- Verify the issue 



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